Mage: The Ascension

Vampire: The Masquerade

Werewolf: The Apocalypse


          Sept of Forgotten Questions

          Sept of the Cold Crescent


          Garou Creation

          Kinfolk Creation

          Merits + Flaws

          Renown + XP Policies


          Judgement Calls



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Breed | Tribe | Rank | Traits

Homid characters are highly encouraged.  Metis characters are permitted.  Lupus characters are restricted due to the lack of an established wolf population anywhere near the setting of World of Darkness: Denver.

Red Talons are restricted for the same reason.  Ronin and non-Nation tribes are severely restricted and not likely to be approved.  Stargazers will not be approved.

No character may begin play with a '5' in any attribute or ability.


Fresh Cliaths

Instant Approval.

These characters follow the starting character creation rules in Werewolf: the Apocalypse with appropriate renown for their auspice.  They are allotted 15 freebie points.  A maximum of one attribute and two abilities may begin at 4.  Gifts that are out of the character's auspice, breed, or tribe lists are not permitted.  Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower are limited to 6.  Combat Abilities (including, but not limited to: Brawl, Dodge, Firearms, and Melee) are limited to 3.  The Knowledge 'Rituals' is limited to 2.  Instant-approval Cliaths may not have merits or Flaws.

Backgrounds are limited for instant-approval Cliaths as follows:

Fate | Fetish | Mentor | Numen | Spirit Heritage: Not permitted.

Allies | Contacts | Kinfolk: No higher than 2.

Ancestors | Pure Breed | Resources: No higher than 3.

Totem: 5.  No personal totems are permitted.

Rites: 10.


Experienced Cliaths

These characters begin with appropriate renown for their auspice plus 1 point in the category of the player's choice (or 10 temporary points to spend among the categories).  They are allotted 30 freebie points.  A maximum of two attributes and two abilities may begin at 4.  Experienced Cliaths may begin play with 1 extra gift (for a total of 4) without spending freebies.  Gifts that are out of the character's auspice, breed, or tribe lists will not be approved at creation.  Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower are limited to 6.  The Knowledge 'Rituals' is limited to 3.

Backgrounds are limited for Experienced Cliaths as follows:

Mentor: Up to level 3 and only if connected to an approved, active character with a willing player (please note in submission).

Fate | Fetish | Numen | Spirit Heritage: No higher than 2.  Fate and Fetish are limited and may not be approved.

Allies | Contacts | Kinfolk: No higher than 3.

Ancestors | Pure Breed | Resources: No higher than 4.

Totem: 5.  No personal totems are permitted.

Rites: 10.



These characters begin with appropriate renown for their auspice and rank.  They are allotted 30 freebie points.  A maximum of three attributes and three abilities may begin at 4.  Fosterns may begin play with four level-1 Gifts and two level-2 Gifts without spending freebies.  Up to 1 Gift outside the character's auspice, breed, or tribe may be approved if it suits the character's concept and history.  Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower are limited to 7.  The Knowledge 'Rituals' is limited to 3.

Backgrounds are limited for Fosterns as follows:

Mentor: Up to level 3 and only if connected to an approved, active character with a willing player (please note in submission).

Fate | Fetish | Numen | Spirit Heritage: No higher than 3. Fate and Fetish are limited and may not be approved.

Allies | Contacts | Kinfolk: No higher than 4.

Ancestors | Pure Breed | Resources: No higher than 4.

Totem: 10.  No personal totems are permitted.

Rites: 15.



These characters begin with appropriate renown for their auspice and rank.  They are allotted 50 freebie points.  A maximum of three attributes and four abilities may begin at 4.  Adrens may begin play with six level-1 Gifts, four level-2 Gifts, and two level-3 Gifts without spending freebies.  Up to 2 Gifts outside the character's auspice, breed, or tribe may be approved if it suits the character's concept and history.  Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower are limited to 8.  The Knowledge 'Rituals' is limited to 4.

Backgrounds are limited for Adrens as follows:

Mentor: Up to level 4.  Must be an NPC who resides outside of the setting, played by an active WtA player.

Fate: No higher than 3 and not permitted without approval from the Admin prior to submission.

Fetish | Numen: No higher than 4 and not permitted without approval from the Admin prior to submission.

Spirit Heritage | Allies | Kinfolk | Pure Breed | Resources: No higher than 4.

Contacts | Ancestors: No higher than 5.

Totem: 10.  No personal totems are permitted.

Rites: 20.



Athro characters are not currently permitted as starting PCs.



Elder characters are not currently permitted as PCs.

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